
Legal Agreements
Privacy Policy
This is the
Privacy Policy that will be applicable to all our Registered Customer.
Hosting Service Backup Policy
This is the
Backup Policy that will be applicable to all our Registered Customer.
Refund Policy
This is the
Refund Policy that will be applicable to all our Registered Customer.
Registration Agreement

This represents the Agreement between
yourself and us for domain registration.
Agreement for Domain Names

This represents an addendum to
the Customer Master Agreement that will be applicable to all our Registered Customer.
Agreement for Digital Certificates

This represents the
Customer Agreement for Digital Certificates
Hosting Product Agreement

This represents the Customer
Agreement for Hosting
# Registrant shall further endeavour to familiarize themselves
with the Registrants’ Benefits and
applicable while registering
gTLDs.# Registrant is encouraged to refer to ICANN
published Registrant Educational
.# Domain Name Deletion &
Auto-Renewal Policy.
Last Updated : September 19, 2022